Welcome to Cindy Harter's Photography Blog.

I am so glad you have come to visit my Blog. I am a momma, photographer, musician, teacher, singer, friend and a female making my way through this life discovering new parts of me and the world everyday. Come take this journey with me... Through my blog, you can look thru my window into what my eyes, heart and camera lens see on my journey... I can't wait to share it with you !

About Me

My photo
I believe that treasuring the people in our life not only helps the people in our life but helps US. It is so easy to get so caught up in the daily routine of life that we forget the best gifts are the people that live with us. I want to use my camera and vision to show you what you have in the connections to the people you love. It is the greatest treasure we have in this life. When a mom can see how her children listen to her and respond to her she knows her daily energy into her family is building people. When a man can see that the best life has to offer him is in his own house that is a beautiful thing. It is something I can do. I want to be a blessing and that is what heals me ! I love this job ! I truly believe families can be glued together with one really special photograph. It is such a cool thing to walk into a family feel the dynamics that are unique to their special relationships and translate that into a hard copy image. Sometimes we need to have a real image in our hand of what we hope with our heart is true. I want to do that for you ! I am a proud member of the professional photographers association 770.547.1018

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Elegant Expressions

I had an awesome session with two beautiful women. Most of you who follow my work probably already know that the main message of my work is to build relationships. It is my main goal to bring families together :) I have a website dedicated to displaying images that elegantly express your womanhood. The security and stability in your home is your marriage . If I can create an image that allows a woman to see how beautiful she is or to help her remember that she is a woman and not just a taxi driver/cook/cleaner/worker/momma/ all the things we are ... I feel she will be able to stop and breathe a minute and take the time to enjoy the good things in her closest relationships, the one to herself and her husband. If i can create an image that after 10 years of marriage and watching this person do all the everyday things we do and still stop breathing when he sees it ... I have done something GOOD!!! I believe that a special image can turn around a bad day, bad week, bad hump in a relationship....just by helping us to remember how important we are to each other and how much we mean to each other. I take a ton of time to plan these sessions so they are specific to your relationship. they can be set in a place you go to together or where a special memory happened or in his favorite truck or in a place you would like to go together or just a place that creates a certain mood. I am really motivated to create beautiful tasteful images that improve your family relationships. These sessions make great birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, just because gifts :) I offer a little black leather book of these images small enough to put in his briefcase along with a DVD slide show of images set to music. I am really excited about the possibilities of strong marriages and happy families !!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Your EE images take my breath away Cindy. This is the sort of work I would love to do. So beautiful.